get terminal speed from shell script

Andy Sun Anu-guest sun at
Mon Aug 13 03:56:31 AEST 1990

Hi Net,

The question I have is:

Is there a way to get the terminal speed from a (sh or csh) script?

I used to be able to do the following in a Bourne shell script:

			speed=`stty speed`

and got the terminal speed assigned to variable speed. As various OS
gets updated (e.g. Ultrix 3.1 and SUN OS 4.0.3), this won't work anymore
because all stty outputs are being sent to stderr, not stdout, thus no
piping or redirection is possible. Is there any similar commands that can 
get terminal speed inside a shell script?


Andy Sun                            | Internet: sun at
University of Toronto, Canada       | UUCP    : ...!utai!me!sun
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering     | BITNET  : sun at me.utoronto.BITNET

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