AWK Language Question

Norman Joseph norm at oglvee.UUCP
Tue Aug 14 02:39:31 AEST 1990

In <972 at>, boi at
(Ken Boi) writes:

>According to the book "The AWK Programming Language", there
>are built-in string functions. One of them is 'gsub'. I have 
>tried using it with the following comand line statement which
>is very close to the example in the book:
> [...]
>I get the error messages:

>		awk: syntax error near line 1
>		awk: illegal statement near line 1

>Anybody know why?

The awk you are running on your system (you don't tell us what you have)
is an earlier version of the one described in _The_AWK_Programming_Language_,
which is a (relatively) recent update.  If your system is like some, you
may have the new version of awk listed under the name "nawk" (new awk).
Norm Joseph                                      cgh!amanue!oglvee!norm at
  Oglevee Computer Systems, Inc.                {pitt,cgh}!amanue!oglvee!norm
      "Shucking Usenet oysters in pursuit of a pearl."  --  Bill Kennedy

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