KSH script arguments

Jim Webb jrw at mtune.ATT.COM
Fri Aug 31 04:05:22 AEST 1990

In article <13160 at hydra.gatech.EDU>, gt0178a at prism.gatech.EDU (BURNS,JIM) writes:
> in article <b4CC02oVc3Jx01 at amdahl.uts.amdahl.com>, jonc at uts.amdahl.com (Jonathan Chang) says:
> > How can I extract the last argument to a ksh script?
> I'll answer your question 2 different ways.

....and then takes 60 lines to do it.  A bit long winded :-)

And in article <858 at iiasa.UUCP>, wnp at iiasa.AT (wolf paul) writes:

> This works; whether it is the most elegant solution I don't know:
> 	LASTARG=$(eval "echo \$$#")
> Anyone know of a better way?

Almost.  You have to be careful if you have more than 9 arguments....

	$ set a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
	$ eval "echo \$$#"

b6?  yup....  it turns into echo $26, which is parsed as ${2}6.  To
get around this, one needs some more {}'s:

	$ eval echo \$\{$#\}

Still, very ugly :-)  Any other takers on this one?


Jim Webb                "Out of Phase -- Get Help"               att!mtune!jrw
                  "I'm bored with this....Let's Dance!"

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