Mailing list for SysV release 4 started.

Jesse W. Asher jessea at dynasys.UUCP
Tue Aug 21 05:04:43 AEST 1990

	I have started a mailing list for the discussion of topics 
	related to System V release 4.

	Please send all administrative related mail (requests to
	be added or taken off the list) to: 

		svr4-admin at dynasys.UUCP or dynasys!svr4-admin.

	If you wish to send mail to the mailing list itself, send mail
		svr4-list at dynasys.UUCP or dynasys!svr4-list.

	Please do not send administrative related requests to this 
	address as it will create more work for me than needed.  

	I encourage anyone interested in SVR4 to particpate.

      Jesse W. Asher                             Phone: (901)382-1609 
               6196-1 Macon Rd., Suite 200, Memphis, TN 38134
                UUCP: {fedeva,chromc,rutgers}!dynasys!jessea
 -> Constants aren't;  variables don't.

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