What's wrong with this Bourne shell script?

Jon H. LaBadie jon at jonlab.UUCP
Sat Aug 11 17:36:45 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug6.172225.20319 at iwarp.intel.com>, merlyn at iwarp.intel.com (Randal Schwartz) writes:
> In article <1990Aug3.193231.3166 at silma.com>, aab at silma (Andy Burgess) writes:
> | While you're at it, is there a better way to get the total bytes
> | of the files in a directory?

A script of mine called "addcol" was printed in UNIX World's monthly
column Wizard's Grabbag and would do the same thing without perl;

	ls -ld | addcol -4

However, have we forgotten our roots?  I'm surprised in this thread
that no one has mentioned:

	TOTAL=`cat * | wc -c`


Jon LaBadie
{att, princeton, bcr}!jonlab!jon
{att, attmail, bcr}!auxnj!jon

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