redirecting standard i/o from an exec'ed programme

George Bogatko bogatko at lzga.ATT.COM
Wed Aug 15 22:18:24 AEST 1990

In article <377 at fe2o3.UUCP>, michael at fe2o3.UUCP (Michael Katzmann) writes:
> I have a task that requires the ability to fork off another programme but
> to supply it's standard input and output.
> However there doesn't seem to be any [way to get popen] to do both
> similtaneously.
> Any ideas would be appreciated.

I wrote new routines to do it called fpipe.[ch...], and I've posted
them in alt.sources.  If you can't get to alt.sources, write me
privately, and we'll try to get it to you.


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