sco unix 3.2 make problem

John Beaudin john at beaudin.UUCP
Mon Aug 6 11:39:15 AEST 1990

I have a target with a depndacy in another directory.

I want the makefile to execute in the manner suggested by the following
code fragment:

foo.o:	../src/foo.c

	or perhaps

foo.o:	/u/src/foo.c

My make terminates silently without doing anything.

I find it hard to believe that make is unable to process the dependacy
just because it's in a non-current directory. After all, the token
'../src/foo.c' could get passed to some open() or fopen() statement in C,
and the open function can certainly find this file, can't it?
I find it easier to believe that I'm doing something wrong.
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