Word-processors for UNIX

Lyndon Nerenberg lyndon at cs.athabascau.ca
Fri Aug 3 05:21:12 AEST 1990

dold at mitisft.Convergent.COM (Clarence Dold) writes:

>> We have Word Putrid running on our 3b2/1000's under SVR3.2. "Ugly"
>> doesn't even come close to describing it ...

>Again, "ugly" verses your favorite, which is ???

troff. (You were expecting me to say "WGS" maybe? ;-)

W.P. is a pig for system resources. Try running a couple of spell
checks in parallel on the above machines. We have one of them
dedicated to running W.P. jobs. It's configured with 4 CPU's.
Can you say "MIPS?" Well, running a pair of W.P. spell jobs is
sufficient to bring the machine to its knees. I'm not impressed :-(

Besides, I administer the mailers around here. Ever seen sendmail
try to deal with a WP document file :-(

Gotta go, the card reader's ready for the next stack ...

     Lyndon Nerenberg  VE6BBM / Computing Services / Athabasca University
         {alberta,cbmvax,mips}!atha!lyndon || lyndon at cs.athabascau.ca
                           Practice Safe Government
                                 Use Kingdoms

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