mysteriously full root partition

Caroline Lambert caroline at pangea.Stanford.EDU
Mon Aug 27 15:47:31 AEST 1990

I have a root partition on a Sun3 that claims to be 110% full -
actually 7739 out of 7751 kbytes used. Using 'ls -l' and 'du' I
can account for only 6300 kbytes. I have another Sun3 with an
almost identical root partition, which does show only 6300 kbytes
used. I have halted the system and rebooted it to do an 'fsck',
but it still claims to be 110% full.

Has anyone come across something like this before? Any pointers
would be appreciated.

Caroline Lambert               Department of Geophysics    My employer is not
AA6BA                          Stanford University         responsible for my
caroline at pangea.Stanford.EDU   Stanford, CA 94305          irresponsibilities

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