link (ln) with *one* name?

John G Dobnick jgd at
Sun Aug 12 15:34:12 AEST 1990

Stupid question time (I haven't asked one of these for a while, so
I'm due.  :-) ]

Re: 4.3 "ln".  The manpage says ln(1) can be called with only one name.
	       What purpose does this serve?   Given that ln(1) is
	       supposed to create "links", I would think you need a
	       minimum of *two* filenames, no?  What am I missing

Manpage extract:

LN(1)               UNIX Programmer's Manual                LN(1)

     ln - make links

     ln [ -s ] sourcename [ targetname ]
     ln [ -s ] sourcename1 sourcename2 [ sourcename3 ... ] targetdirectory


     Given one or two arguments, ln creates a link to an existing
     file sourcename.  If targetname is given, the link has that
     name; targetname may also be a directory in which to place
     the link; otherwise it is placed in the current directory.
     If only the directory is specified, the link will be made to
     the last component of sourcename.

The first line under DESCRIPTION can be read as "Given one argument, _ln_
creates a link to an existing file _sourcename_."   

Um, excuse me, but *what* link to _sourcename_?????  Seems to me you need
a minimum of two (2) arguments here to do anything useful.

Am I correct in assuming that this is just a case of unclear writing?
Or am I missing something obvious?  (And if so, what?)

John G Dobnick  (JGD2)
Computing Services Division @ University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
INTERNET: jgd at             ATTnet: (414) 229-5727
UUCP: uunet!uwm!!jgd

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