Does PMAX Ultrix 4.0 cc *fully* support void pointers?

Scott Weitzenkamp scott at talarian.UUCP
Mon Aug 27 08:24:35 AEST 1990

  We have a DECstation 3100 with Ultrix 3.0.  One of the bugs in cc is
that it does not have complete support for void pointers.  For
example, the following code will *not* compile:

int foo(void *ptr)
  printf("%d\n", ptr);

  Is this bug fixed in cc on Ultrix 4.0?  If not, then why the hell
not?  Why bother having prototypes and other ANSI features if you
don't fully support something as simple (IMHO) as void pointers?  Most
of the pcc-based cc's that I've come across (SunOS 3.x and 4.x, System
V/386 3.2) at least allow void pointers as function parameters.

  While I'm complaining, does the Ultrix 4.0 cc support the ANSI C
"const" keyword?

Thanks in advance...
Scott Weitzenkamp, Talarian Corporation, Mountain View, CA
uunet!talarian!scott             (415) 965-8050
"Welcome to the late show, starring NULL and void" -- Men At Work

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