KSH recommendations?

Bill Heiser - Unix Sys Admin heiser at sud509.ed.ray.com
Sun Aug 12 01:44:00 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug08.113542.13266 at iti.uucp> todd at iti.UUCP (maroC ddoT) writes:
>Since ISC just added job control (to 2.2) you may want to keep in mind that
>any korn shell compiled for an earlier ISC probally will not support  any
>job control.

Does anyone know if ESIX has job control?

Bill Heiser
	Work:   heiser at tdw201.ed.ray.com
	Home:   Bill.Heiser at f240.n322.z1.fidonet.org (Fidonet 1:322/240)
		The Think_Tank BBS (508)655-3848  1200/2400/9600-HST
	Other:  75106.2332 at compuserve.com
	Other:	heiser at world.std.com     (Public Access Unix)

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