Obscure Vi bug?

Moellers josef at nixpbe.UUCP
Thu Aug 2 00:42:33 AEST 1990

In <11626 at ingr.com> lester at ingr.com (Lester Bartel) writes:

>While we are on the subject of vi macro bugs, I have one to add.
>I cannot seem to make the | (pipe) work in a macro.  What I want is
>a macro that will move my cursor to the 70th column (70|) so that I can
>split long lines onto shorter similar length lines easily.

The problem is, that the bar (|) is a meta character "in the command
line" (How do I express what I want to say?).
You can write "map a b | map c d"
Unfortunately, there is no way of escaping the bar, like escaping the
brackets ([]) by prefixing a backslash.

I have given up trying to position into the 72nd column to do a line
split. I write "map 0 072lBhs^M^[".
Unformtunately this completely ignores tabs, but that's life.

| Josef Moellers		|	c/o Nixdorf Computer AG	|
|  USA: mollers.pad at nixbur.uucp	|	Abt. PXD-S14		|
| !USA: mollers.pad at nixpbe.uucp	|	Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring	|
| Phone: (+49) 5251 104662	|	D-4790 Paderborn	|

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