Your favourite rm in /tmp (was: Your favourite UNIX-pipe (...))

Maarten Litmaath maart at
Tue Aug 7 07:01:59 AEST 1990

In article <58702 at bbn.BBN.COM>,
	cosell at (Bernie Cosell) writes:
)trt at (Thomas Truscott) writes:
)}	(rm -f /tmp/*)			# Recommended
)}seems wiser, particularly since files in /tmp can be named "-r" or "-i".
)On the other hand, adding '-r' makes some sense, unless you'd really like to
)leave a subdirectory of /tmp around forever.  Also, I do "rm -f /tmp/.*"
)[*NO* '-r' on this one, thank you very much! :-)].

``On the other hand, adding '-r' makes some sense, unless you'd really like to
leave a subdirectory of /tmp around forever.''  Sic!
	$ rm -r . ..
	rm: cannot remove `.' or `..'
	rm: cannot remove `.' or `..'


	$ rm .??* .[!.]		# not portable to every UNIX version
   "UNIX was never designed to keep people from doing stupid things, because
    that policy would also keep them from doing clever things."  (Doug Gwyn)

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