Obscure Vi bug?

Paul Chamberlain tif at doorstop.austin.ibm.com
Sat Aug 4 04:45:33 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug2.211835.24599 at math-cs.kent.edu> jstuart at math-cs.kent.edu (Jeff Stuart) writes:
>We have a problem here also with vi that when you edit a file and that
>file contains an ei: possibly followed by some text and then another :
>vi gives an error message.

This sounds like the (now removed?) feature of embedding vi initialization
commands in the first few lines of a text file and giving some (I can't
remember) delimiter to indicate.  I thought it was something like:

	exmodes: set ts=4:

No doubt somebody will correct me.

Paul Chamberlain | I do NOT represent IBM         tif at doorstop, sc30661 at ausvm6
512/838-7008     | ...!cs.utexas.edu!ibmaus!auschs!doorstop.austin.ibm.com!tif

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