get terminal speed from shell script

George Turczynski george at hls0.hls.oz
Tue Aug 14 10:36:45 AEST 1990

On SunOS 4.0.3 (and probably the rest too), if you have installed
/usr/5bin then use:

			speed=`/usr/5bin/stty speed`

in your shell scripts.  This works.

By the way, the SUN manuals point out quite clearly that

	"the settings are reported on the standard error."

for /bin/stty, and

	"the settings are reported on the standard output"

for /usr/5bin/stty.

Be sure to re-read the manual to check that the different versions
apply to the device you want.  ie /bin/stty sets/reports the stdout device,
whilst /usr/5bin/stty sets/reports the stdin device.

Hope this is of some use to you...

| George P. J. Turczynski.          |---------------------------------------------------- 
| Computer Systems Engineer.        | ACSnet: george at highland.oz | I can't speak for the |
| Highland Logic Pty. Ltd.          | Phone: +61 48 683490       | company, I can barely |
| Suite 1, 348-354 Argyle St        | Fax:   +61 48 683474       | speak for myself...   |
| Moss Vale. NSW. Australia. 2577   |---------------------------------------------------- 

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