how to use scandir()?

George Turczynski george at hls0.hls.oz
Fri Aug 31 16:32:17 AEST 1990

In article <9008271747.AA02292 at>, wyuen at CAE.WISC.EDU writes:
> Could someone give examples of how to use scandir?
> Eg., how to list the filenames of a given directory?
> It seems to me that
> struct direct *(*namelist[]);       is a reasonable declaration,

try:	struct direct **namelist;

> n = scandir(".", namelist, NULL, NULL)        is a reasonable call,

try:	n= scandir(".",&namelist,NULL,NULL);

> for (i=0; i<n; i++)
>      printf("filename = %s\n", (*namelist[i])->d_name);   is a reasonable use,

try:	for( i= 0; i < n; i++ )
			printf("filename= %s\n",namelist[i]->d_name);

> however, I'm getting Segmentation Faults all the time.
> Someone kindly points out what I did wrong?
> Thanks. Please send to newsgroup as my email is unstable.

Perhaps you couldn't make sense of the manual entry ?  I assume you
_did_ read it, no ?  You give it the address of a struct direct ** and
it malloc()s the space for the pointer table and the structures, then
"fills in" the struct direct ** ("namelist" here) with a pointer to
the pointer table.  You then use the pointer table to get to the
struct directs.

Here is the example you asked for:

/*-----------------Cut here--------------------*/

struct direct **namelist;

        int i, n;

        n= scandir(".",&namelist,NULL,NULL);

        for( i= 0; i < n; i++ )
                printf("filename= %s\n",namelist[i]->d_name);

/*-----------------Cut here--------------------*/

Hope this clears up any problems,

and have a nice day...

| George P. J. Turczynski.          |---------------------------------------------------- 
| Computer Systems Engineer.        | ACSnet: george at highland.oz | I can't speak for the |
| Highland Logic Pty. Ltd.          | Phone: +61 48 683490       | company, I can barely |
| Suite 1, 348-354 Argyle St        | Fax:   +61 48 683474       | speak for myself...   |
| Moss Vale. NSW. Australia. 2577   |---------------------------------------------------- 

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