EBCDIC to ASCII conversion under ULTRIX

Neil Rickert rickert at mp.cs.niu.edu
Thu Aug 30 06:27:32 AEST 1990

In article <1990Aug29.184831.1216 at pilikia.pegasus.com> art at pilikia.pegasus.com (Art Neilson) writes:
>In article <90240.091342HASKINS at MAINE.BITNET> HASKINS at MAINE.BITNET (Robert D. Haskins) writes:
>>Does anyone know how to convert a file that is in EBCDIC format to ASCII
>>format?  Is there a command/program to do this under UNIX/ULTRIX ?  If not,
>>does anybody know of a public domain program to do the conversion?
>This is really easy to write in C, just declare a static array of 256
>unsigned chars and initialize it with the numeric values of the ASCII
>characters.  Make sure the array position corresponds to the EBCDIC value
>as you will use the EBCDIC value as the indice into the array, like so:
 Before implementing this program, you might check to see if the options
available on the 'dd' command are suitable for the intented purposes.
  Neil W. Rickert, Computer Science               <rickert at cs.niu.edu>
  Northern Illinois Univ.
  DeKalb, IL 60115.                                  +1-815-753-6940

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