extracting files from a tar file

Chuck Karish karish at mindcrf.UUCP
Fri Aug 24 09:41:37 AEST 1990

In article <6155 at bgsuvax.UUCP> fyfe at bgsuvax.UUCP (Bob Fyfe) writes:
>I have a faculty member who has brought a tape with him from a different site.
>It is a tar tape and the files were stored using absolute pathnames...

>I was wondering if there are any PD programs that exist or whether someone
>has written a script to get around this problem.

    The 'pax' program, written by Mark Colburn for USENIX, lets you
    edit the path prefixes on extraction, using a 'sed'-like pattern.
    It understands both tar and cpio formats, and the new POSIX tar

    Available from the comp.org.usenix archives, or on the USENIX
    sofrware distribution tapes.

	Chuck Karish		karish at mindcraft.com
	Mindcraft, Inc.		(415) 323-9000		

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