nutshell book on uucp

rick at tmiuv0.uucp rick at tmiuv0.uucp
Thu Aug 16 23:27:10 AEST 1990

In article <9008091533.AA00951 at>, tr at writes:
> I once saw a book on uucp communications.  It had the word "nutshell"
> in the title, and I think it had a picture of an acorn on the cover.
> Does anyone know where I can get this book or something else that
> describes how to configure uucp on unix?

There are really two Nutshell handbooks on UUCP.  One is called "Managing
UUCP and Netnews", the other is "Using UUCP and Netnews".  Both are entries
in O'Reilly and Associates' series of Nutshell handbooks which cover a
wide range of Unix-related subjects including X-Windows, Unix in general,
and much more.  I don't have the address of O'Reilly handy, unfortunately,
but I'll post a followup regarding their address.

> Thanks.
> Tom Reingold

You're welcome! 8-)

[- O] Rick Stevens
  ?   EMail: uunet!zardoz!tmiuv0!rick -or- uunet!zardoz!xyclone!sysop
  V   CIS: 75006,1355 (75006.1355 at from Internet)

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