'foo bar' <- What's the meaning of?

Dave Holcomb dave at hera.scs.com
Wed Aug 15 02:33:51 AEST 1990

In addition to  the military reference  to an  items state of repair, my
VAX  HARDWARE  HANDBOOK (1982-1983),  on page 293,  discusses the Failed
UNIBUS Address Registers (FUBAR): (I quote)

The FUBAR contains the  upper 16 bits of  the UNIBUS  address translated
from an SBI address during a previous software-initiated  data transfer.
The occurrence of either of two  errors indicated in the status register
will lock  the FUBAR: UNIBUS  Select  Time Out  (UBSTO) and UNIBUS Slave
Sync Time OUT (UBSSYNTO).  When the  error  bit is cleared  the register
will be unlocked.

Obviously, the  original  purveyors of "foo bar" (i.e.  the original BSD
UNIX  crew) saw the  reference in the  VAX manual; saw  that the DEC VAX
designers had  had a "field-day"  when they designed   the hardware [and
laughed  even harder when the  DEC censors blindly accepted the register
"designation"], and "ran" with the joke.
        Dave Holcomb, Mentor Graphics, Silicon Design Division (formerly SCS/CAECO)
                      5295 South 300 West Suite 300
                      Murray, UT 84107-4763 USA
        caeco!dave at cs.utah.edu

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