Restarting a process after a shutdown

Doug Gwyn gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL
Thu Aug 30 07:46:40 AEST 1990

In article <5759 at ethz.UUCP> tilo at (Tilo Levante) writes:
>Is there a way to save the status of a process and restart it
>after the shutdown?

We just finished a discussion of this; perhaps this is yet another
candidate for the FAQ list.
The answer is, no, in general if the process was not coded to support
some means of interruption and subsequent restart then there isn't any
way to do it.  However, a few UNIX systems do provide a limited form
of checkpoint/restart that works if the process meets certain constraints.
Such added checkpointing features are implemented differently among those
systems that have them, and you must therefore check your local system
documentation for details.

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