Looking for info on R/W optical drives for use with Unix system

Mark Lanzo lanzo at wgate.wgate.com
Fri Aug 10 00:11:16 AEST 1990

Greetings netfolk --

    I am interested in finding out what is available in the line of
    R/W optical disks, and what experience people have
    using these with Unix systems.

    I am considering using one of these devices for auxillary storage &
    backup purposes (not for primary storage -- too slow).

    The disk needs to:
	* Have standard SCSI interface
	* Look like any other disk drive (fully erasable)
	* Work neatly and simply with Unix (hopefully the above two items
	  would guarantee this one)

    So if you have any experience using R/W optical drives with Unix
    systems, or just have knowledge about what hardware is available,
    can you fill me in on these?  I am looking for information regarding
    all aspects of the problem (such as price/performance/quality etc
    of the hardware, manufacturer's level of support, as well as systems 
    integration information).

    Responses by email would be preferable.  I will summarize to the
    net if there is sufficient interest.

		Thanks in advance,

			Mark Lanzo

    For reference purposes -- the machine I currently have in mind for
    using the drive with is a HP-9000 series 300 running HP-UX 7.0, 
    with the HP SCSI interface card (#98265A);  however, I will probably
    also use the hardware with other systems later.

    I am not interested in CD-ROM or WORM drives.


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