non-interactine telnet session

Jon Gefaell jon at savant.uucp
Sun Aug 19 02:34:40 AEST 1990

In article <1995 at xn.LL.MIT.EDU> healey at XN.LL.MIT.EDU (Joseph T. Healey) writes:
>Is there any way to invoke a non-interactive telnet session
>via a script (preferably csh or sh) ?
>We would like the script to:
>	log into the target machine
>	run an arbitrary number of commands listed in the script
>	log out of the target machine
>Thanks in advance.

Uhm, you've heard of UUCP, right? Give that a try, seems like the perfect
tool for what you like. Remember, UUCP isn't just for modems... :)

BTW, I'm a UNIX.NOVITIATE, I'd _love_ to hear what people think...
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