How should hung Oracle processes be killed?

Peter Steele peter at aucs.uucp
Wed Aug 1 02:46:29 AEST 1990

We are developing an Oracle application with a MIPS Unix box as the
Oracle server and PCs as clients talking to the Oracle database on
the MIPS machine through a Cobol/Oracle interface. The first thing
the Cobol applications do is to log in to Oracle, creating an Oracle
process on the MIPS machine. If the Cobol application crashes for
some reason before properly disconnecting from Oracle, the Unix process
is left hanging. If this happens enough times, the Oracle process limit
is reached (20 in our case) and no more Oracle connections can be made.
We can manually kill these processes with the Unix kill command, but
Oracle does not recognize this action and still sees 20 processes.
We would like to know how to get rid of these hung processes without
having to reboot the MIPS machine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Peter Steele, Microcomputer Applications Analyst
Acadia University, Wolfville, NS, Canada B0P1X0 (902)542-2201x121
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