AT&T SVR4 Porting Guide, what it is, how to order

Thad P Floryan thad at
Thu Aug 30 16:39:26 AEST 1990

I continue to receive numerous inquiries concerning SVR4 and its impact on
existing software and applications.  In case this hasn't been mentioned before,
I'd like to point interested parties to an EXCELLENT document from AT&T:

	AT&T UNIX System V Release 4.0
	Migration Guide for System V Developers

>From its page 1-1:

``The purpose [...of this document...] is to provide migration data to help
you determine how your existing UNIX system application source code will be
affected by the enhancements and changes provided by UNIX System V Release
4.0 (SVR4.0).  The migration data are presented in migration tables, which
indicate how UNIX System V interfaces have evolved from SVR2.0 to SVR4.0.
For those interfaces whose functionality has been enhanced or changed, this
guide provides a description of those changes.


This guide is written for advanced users and programmers, such as Independent
Software Vendors (ISVs) and Value Added Resellers (VARs), who need migration
information for porting applications to SVR4.0


To derive maximum benefit from the information presented in this guide, you
should be thoroughly familiar with the UNIX system, particularly user commands,
system calls, and subroutines.  In addition, you should be familiar with C
programming constructs.

To say the least, this document is a "MUST HAVE."  It's about 200 pages, spiral
bound, and is accompanied by the latest AT&T MIGRATION TOOL software version
1.01 on two floppy disks, one for 3B2 (MC01-1491-X) and the other for 6386.

Chapter 2 has the migration tables, detailing ALL the differences and migration
between SVR2.0 to SVR2.1 to SVR3.0 to SVR3.1 to SVR3.2 to SVR4.0.

The document is described as:

	SELECT CODE# 350-306

Page 1-7 has "How to Order Documents" (for this, and the other SysV refs) per:

	- Within the continental United States, call 1 (800) 432-6600

	- Outside the continental United States

	  Phone call 001 1 (317) 352-8556

	  FAX   call 001 1 (317) 352-8484, or
	        call 001 1 (317) 352-8628.

	  Telex call 5101009077

	- In Europe, order books from AT&T UNIX Europe Ltd. by calling
	  +44 1 567 7711 ("+" represents the international dialing code)

	- In Canada, call 1 (800) 255-1242

Thad Floryan [ thad at (OR) ..!sun!portal!!thad ]

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