EBCDIC to ASCII conversion under ULTRIX

Dave Morton dave at ecrc.de
Fri Aug 31 00:21:41 AEST 1990

In article <26264 at mimsy.umd.edu>, chris at mimsy.umd.edu (Chris Torek) writes:
|>>In article <90240.091342HASKINS at MAINE.BITNET> HASKINS at MAINE.BITNET
|> (Robert D. Haskins) asks for EBCDIC => ASCII conversion.
|>So, the first problem with EBCDIC to anything conversion is to figure out
|>exactly which EBCDIC is being used. . . .
|>% Actually, I am not sure what usually maps to what, but the characters []
|>  {} \ and ^ are the biggest trouble spots.

Yes indeed. It's even worse. I think they also have country specific
EBCDIC codes. I ran into this problem years ago with a System 34 here
in Germany.
Dave Morton, 
European Computer Industry Research Centre      Tel. + (49) 89-92699-139
Arabellastr 17, 8000 Munich 81. West Germany.	Fax. + (49) 89-92699-170
dave at ecrc.de

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