Funny kill -9 behaviour

Jim Harkins jharkins at sagpd1.UUCP
Sat Aug 18 09:37:48 AEST 1990

Due to inattention on my part I managed to create a bunch of processes I
needed to kill.  Rather than typing 'kill -9 number-list', I tried:

	kill -9 `ps -aug | grep ekg | awk '{print $2}'`

To which I was rewarded with

	`ps -aug | grep ekg | awk '{print $2}'`: ambiguous.

After playing around a bit I realized the problem lay with the kill -9,
by replacing it with echo I got a list of process numbers.  I redirected
the ps ... awk output into foo, then tried

	kill -9 `cat foo`

and got

	`cat foo`: ambiguous.

What I want to know is why in the hay does this happen?  FYI, I killed the
turkeys with a foreach i (`cat foo`) loop in which I kill -9'd the $i's.
Also, I'm on a Sun running 4.3 bsd.

jim		jharkins at sagpd1

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