SUN 3/80 par. port --> tek 4693DX printer HELP!!

braun at braun at
Thu Aug 23 04:29:14 AEST 1990

Hi Folks

I am  having a problem getting the parallel port of a SUN 3/80 to talk to
a Tektronix 4693DX color image printer.  The current system configuration

                                 /---> dot matrix printer
Sun serial port --> A?B switch <
                                 \--->ser. to par. conv ---> Tek 4693DX 

This is kind of  a  rat rig but it works.  When I try to use the parallel
port for the 4693,I get  errors like "pp0 not receiving interrupts".  The
Sun is part of an X-Ray  analyzer  marketed by Princeton Gamma Tech (PGT)
and they tell me that the problem  is  that  the Sun device driver is not
compatible with the Tek 4693DX printer.

I am wondering if anybody out there in  netland  has any light to shed on
this OR MAYBE a fix even. If You do, HELP!! PLEASE!!

-- Ken --

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