What's wrong with this Bourne shell script?

Frank P. Bresz fpb at ittc.wec.com
Tue Aug 14 09:11:08 AEST 1990

In article <1474 at chinacat.Unicom.COM> chip at chinacat.Unicom.COM (Chip Rosenthal) writes:

>If you snarfed the "stat" program I posted to alt.sources recently,
>I'd suggest:

>    echo 0`stat -s * | sed -e 's/.*:/+/'` | bc

>or if you have Jon's addcol, even simpler:

>    stat -s * | addcol -2

	Where is Jon's addcol.  I tried to write one a while back and kept
screwing it up.  I would like to see a working version.

					Frank P. Bresz }*{
					ITTC Network Administrator
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