?: tcsh escape for retitling cmdtool

Chris P. Ross chris at sage0.gsfc.nasa.gov
Sat Aug 4 04:28:02 AEST 1990

In <616 at exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> holtz at strawdog.Eng.Sun.COM (Brian Holtz) writes:

>In article <615 at exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> holtz at strawdog.Eng.Sun.COM (Brian Holtz) writes:
>>The following alias (for retitling a cmdtool or shelltool) works in csh
>>but hangs tcsh when the alias is invoked:
>alias label 'echo -n "^[]l\!*^[\"'

  The problem is propbably just that tcsh is swolowing the Esc keys becuase
they are bind'd to something that won't allow them through (like 'prefix-meta')
so maybe if you did:

  bind self-insert-command Esc
  alias label 'echo -n "^[]l\!*^[\"'
  bind prefix-meta Esc

  (or, in the last line, replace "prefix-meta" with what your Esc key is
bound to)

  This might work, just a guess.  Let me know how it goes...

                                       - Chris

  Chris P. Ross    (301)/286-7242   | InterNet: chris at sage0.gsfc.nasa.gov
  EGRET Programmer, NASA / GSFC     |           chris at olgao.umd.edu

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