KSH script arguments

BURNS,JIM gt0178a at prism.gatech.EDU
Fri Aug 31 12:44:06 AEST 1990

in article <842 at travis.csd.harris.com>, brad at SSD.CSD.HARRIS.COM (Brad Appleton) says:
< Im still hoping for a better way though! One of the few things I 
< like that csh has over ksh, is being able to returns subsets of
< an array (a la $argv[5-8], $argv[-3], $argv[4-]) but I still dont
< think csh had an "easy" way of getting just the last argument.

${argv[$#argv]}, since csh arrays start from 1. Argv[] is predefined as
the command args, and $argv = $*.
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