Serial drivers in SysV ver4.

Uwe Doering gemini at
Tue Aug 7 20:39:02 AEST 1990

jessea at dynasys.UUCP (Jesse W. Asher) writes:

>I just tried to install version 4 and had problems with the serial driver.
>Has anyone written a better serial driver than the one that comes with it?
>And does the serial driver support the 16550 UARTS?  I tried to install
>the FAS driver, but the kernel compilation process would bomb out because
>of missing functions.  Someone mentioned that the driver was streams based.
>Has anyone ported the FAS driver over?  I had excellent performance with in
>under 3.2.  Thanx for any tips on this.

Yes, SYSV R4 tty drivers are streams based. SYSV R3.2 drivers are not.
Therefor FAS won't work under R4. Porting will be non-trivial. As I'm
not exactly keen on installing a non-stable beta release of SYSV R4 at
this time it will take at least half a year before I could do the port

But BTW, does anyone know whether the streams interface has changed from
R3.2 to R4? If it hasn't changed I could try to port it to R3.2 streams
and hopefully it will work on R4, too.

Any hints are welcome.

Uwe Doering   |  USA      : gemini at
Berlin        |  World    : gemini%geminix at tmpmbx.UUCP
West Germany  |  Bangpath : ...!{backbone}!tmpmbx!geminix!gemini

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