help sought - securing a terminal/line

Leslie Mikesell les at
Wed Aug 15 02:18:16 AEST 1990

In article <3868 at> guy at (Guy Harris) writes:

>And also gives you a few additional bells and whistles, such as
>autobauding (not the bit where you hit BREAK to get it to cycle through
>speeds, although "ttymon" does support that, but the bit where you type
>a character and, based on what the character looked like, "ttymon"
>guesses the speed of the line; same sort of thing as the 4.[23]BSD "getty"

Does anything support the now-ubiquituous devices that announce the connection
speed in ASCII before bringing up CD or does everyone still have to
write their own code for this if they don't want the users to have to
send something before getting the login prompt?

Les Mikesell
  les at

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