SCSI protocol and chips...

Gary Duzan gdtltr at
Wed Aug 1 19:10:53 AEST 1990

In article <428643 at neabbs.UUCP> joost at neabbs.UUCP (JOOST BOERHOUT) writes:
=>     Hi netters,
=>     I want to design my own SCSI interface (hardware and software) for
=>     the Amiga market.  Although I have  a some  information about SCSI
=>     I'd like to have the full  documentation found  in the ANSI X3T9.2
=>     specs. Does anyone know how I can obtain these ?
   Check out comp.periphs.scsi. There is a periodic posting on how to get SCSI
specs through a mail server. I think it is also posted to alt.sources.wanted.

                                        Gary Duzan
                                        Time  Lord
                                    Third Regeneration

                          gdtltr at
   _o_                    --------------------------                      _o_
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