help sought - securing a terminal/line

Guy Harris guy at
Sat Aug 11 04:29:46 AEST 1990

>You're saying V.4 doesn't use inittab?

I'm saying it doesn't necessarily run "getty" out of "inittab".

>Um, this is not good. The flexibility of inittab has been very helpful. I
>don't want to go back to kludging a login or getty front-end again.

Um, this is not good.  You're making some inferences that aren't
justified based purely on what I said, and that aren't, in fact,

"ttymon" will listen on a whole bunch of ports, and spin off a process
when the port comes up.  The process can run whatever program you want
it to.

You can also run "getty" out of "inittab", if you want to, or any other

>What else does V.3.2 have that V.4 hasn't?

A shared library mechanism that requires you to explicitly ask for the
shared version of a library, for one thing....  (S5R4's, like the SunOS
4.x one from which it's derived, gives you the shared library by default
if there is one.)

Go buy the S5R4 documentation - or some subset thereof, the entire
documentation set is rather expensive and only crazy completists like me
buy it out of our own pockets.

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