Get process name w/o using argv[0] in C function?

Scott Barman scott at
Sat Aug 4 15:18:27 AEST 1990

In article <9220003 at> manoj at (Manoj Joshi) writes:
>Is there a way to get the name of a process anywhere inside the source?
>By name, I mean argv[0]. As an alternative, I can pass argv[0] as an
>extra parameter from main() to every function in the program, but I 
>think it is inefficient. Also, I do not think I want to use a global
>and initialize it to argv[0] in body of main(), because I do not use

I cannot think of one rational or even irrational reason *not* to use
global variables.  Can you explain this to us?

Do yourself a favor, declare and global like:
		char	*progname;

and the first line in your program do:
		progname = argv[0];

and save yourself a lot of unnecessary problem--including the waste in
CPU time and disk access trying to read the proc table for something
that is just handed to you.  Then again, if you are running a Cray... :-)

scott barman				NBC Systems Development
scott at			30 Rockerfeller Plaza, Room 1615W
{philabs,crdgw1}!nbc1!scott		New York, NY  10112	+1 212/664-2787
  (This does not represent any [un]official opinions of NBC or its affiliates)

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