Need some helpful info

Jason Ornstein ornstein at snoopy.Colorado.EDU
Tue Dec 4 01:59:45 AEST 1990

I am interested in moving from a DOS machine to a UNIX machine.  I am
familiar with using Unix but am not with the machines they run on.  I
currently have a 386sx with a 14" VGA monitor with 4megs of RAM and a
200meg hard drive.  I believe that I would be interested in something
along the lines of a 17" Color Monitor (I would want to run X), 8megs
of RAM, 200megs or more of hard drive space, and maybe w tape drive to
do backups.  Also I would like to run BSD instead of System V.  I
don't have a clue about what kind of machine to run the above on,
80x86 machine or a Motorola based machine?  

If you could please send me some insightful information it would be
greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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