Access tape archives over TCP/IP ?

Jon McCown jdm1 at eds1.UUCP
Fri Dec 28 04:58:27 AEST 1990

Some whiles ago I saw mention made of accessing a tape archive
across an ethernet TCP/IP,  the command sample listed was pretty
complex and I would be very interested in how one would do this.

Box1 has a QIC tape, but does not have enough disk to unload the tape
Box2 has no tape, but acres of disk and would be a fine place to unload

My official set of TFMs handles the use of remote commands very generally
and my efforts to make it go have been fruitless.


- Jon McCown
             J.D. McCown - RCSG Director - Senate of Pennsylvania  
psuvax1!eds1!jdm1    (this space intentionally     "Whaddaya want with yer' 
jdm1 at      filled with this text)       jugged fish?" -MPFS 

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