documentation on Unix, vi, emacs, nn, or elm

billy at billy at
Fri Dec 14 00:18:38 AEST 1990


I'm installing the first centralized Unix machine on this campus and am trying
to prepare beginning documentation (for novice users) on Unix (SunOS), vi,
Emacs, elm, and nn.

I have the documentation that comes with these packages.  However, in most
cases, they are either confusing and/or too long so therefore we are preparing
short handouts on each topic.  I was wondering if anyone knew of an anonymous
FTP site where some local documentation of this sort was already written.

thanks for your help,

Billy Barron                  Bitnet : BILLY at UNTVAX
VAX/Unix Systems Manager      THENET : NTVAX::BILLY
University of North Texas   Internet : billy at
                                SPAN : UTSPAN::UTADNX::NTVAX::BILLY

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