dot files

Jon Hamilton hamilton at
Sun Dec 2 07:35:49 AEST 1990

rob at b15.INGR.COM (Rob Lemley) writes:

>In <1990Nov16.141503.5567 at> weimer at (Gary Weimer) writes:

>>In article <6270 at> s887212 at (Stephen Riehm [Romulis]) writes:
>>>were does one find descriptions for '.' files?
>>'dot files' do not have any meaning in and of themselves. They are only
>>important to the programs that use them.

>>Notice that many of the files end in 'rc' (anyone no the meaning of this?

>The rc stands for "runcom" or "run commands."
>I believe that this convention came from an operating system which 
>predated Unix.

Um, actually, I believe .rc stands for "runtime configuration" - but I've
been wrong once or twice before. :)

jon hamilton

>Rob Lemley

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