Help Needed with PC/NFS and HP Laserjet II setup

Win Strickland Jr win at
Tue Feb 6 10:18:28 AEST 1990

We have recently attached our HP Laserjet Series II printer to our
Sun file server and are attempting to use it from a number of PCs
networked together using PC NFS.

Everything "seems" to be set up correctly and the PCs can send print jobs
through the network to the printer, queued up by lpd on the Sun.  However,
a number of documents seem to be coming out with "garbage" at the
beginning (what looks like part of a font download), and some spurious
looking text segments with the wrong font.   Others just come out
with a variety of problems.

This is not a strictly repeatable situation, sometimes a document works,
and then it doesn't.

Here's our printcap entry:


We're using (I mean, trying to use) PageMaker, Write, and other
PC oriented tools, and we're having them dump HPPCL to the printer
when they output a file for printing.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
Win Strickland					Internet: win at
Director of Product Development			    UUCP: emory!audfax!win
AudioFAX, Inc.		       Phone: 404 933 7600   Fax:     404 933 7606
2000 Powers Ferry Road      /     Suite 220     /       Marietta GA  30067

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