
woodb!scsmo1!don at cs.umd.edu woodb!scsmo1!don at cs.umd.edu
Mon Feb 19 13:12:44 AEST 1990

Received: by woodb.UUCP (uucp on woodb)
To: fallst!tkevans mimsy!brl.mil!unix-wiz mimsy!brl.arpa!info-unix mimsy!cornellc.cit.cornell.edu!ysub.bitnet!uts-l mimsy!IBM1.CC.Lehigh.edu!virus-l
Subject: Government Newsletter

Received: by scsmo1.UUCP (smail2.5)
	id AA15633; 18 Feb 90 13:50:12 CST (Sun)
Subject: Government Newsletter
To: woodb!mimsy!apg-emh5.apg.army.mil!clamber (chester),
	woodb!mimsy!IBM1.CC.Lehigh.edu!virus-l (Virus Discussion List),
	woodb!mimsy!cornellc.cit.cornell.edu!ysub.bitnet!uts-l (UTS Discussion List),
	woodb!mimsy!brl.arpa!info-unix (Info Unix List),
	woodb!mimsy!brl.mil!unix-wiz (Unix Wizards List),
	woodb!fallst!tkevans (Tim Evans)
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 90 13:50:11 CST
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.2 PL0]
Message-Id: <9002181350.AA15633 at scsmo1.UUCP>
From: don at scsmo1.UUCP (Don Ingli)

Call for Government Employees for a Government On-line Newsletter.

I am currently making a list of government employees who are interested in
contributing and to receiving an on-line newsletter.

This will be an informal unofficial newsletter to discuss problems and solutions
within government computing.  Some of the issues I wish to include as topics 

Computer Security
FOCUS contract..
AFCAC contract...
Other Government contracts...
Where to find computer 'deals'
Virus breakouts and how to stop them.
Chat from vendors...
Hardware/software problems - solutions.
TCP/IP logins and where to find needed files.  Also for those who
do not have TCP/IP maybe we can setup a re-distributor system.
Interviews with AT&T and other computer experts.

This is open to all Government employees of any and all systems and OSs. 
Because this is on-line there will be no 'paper' mailings due to cost.

If interested contact me at:

Don Ingli
FTS 276-5344
314 875-5344

Remember that this is unofficial and is done on my own time....
Also, no sensitive material will be published or accepted.

 DON INGLI-United States Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service
 INTERNET: scsmo1!don at uunet.uu.net    PHONEnet: 314!875!5344
 UUCP(short): uunet!scsmo1!don        UUCP(long): uunet!mimsy!woodb!scsmo1!don
              These are my opinions. I represent myself.  
   Who do you think you are, Bjorn Nitmo?  David Letterman '90 Catch Phrase

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