21st Century UN*X - Bugs??
Stephen D Carter
stevedc at syma.sussex.ac.uk
Thu Feb 15 19:31:45 AEST 1990
In the (predictable) flurry of fuss surrounding the change of the year
from 1989 to 1990, the following appeared in an *editorial* column of
'Computer Weekly' a major weekly computer trade paper in the UK (ie not
a fringe thing).
In the context of a note about the (usual) shambles that seems to
surround such calendar events it said.....
As currently programmed not a single system using Unix
will be able to come to grips with the 21st Century.
(I have the paper in front of me, so this is verbatim and first hand).
This is one heck of an assertion, and if true needs to be resolved, and
if untrue needs to be firmly refuted.
What do you think/know about this. I'd be especially interested to hear
from some grey haired Un*x originators :-), some current developers
(Posix folks?), manufacturers? or even journalists who see the Net.
Frankly, if it is true, I'll not mail my order for a Un*x system, but
will go back to a sensible Operating System.
Stephen D Carter, Systems Manager, The Administration,
The University of Sussex, Sussex House, Falmer, BRIGHTON, BN1 9RH. UK
Tel: +44 273 678203 (Direct line). Tel: +44 273 606755 (Switchboard).
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