Tom McClory tmcclory at
Sat Feb 17 04:52:09 AEST 1990

Are there any good tutorials available on using Curses, particularly
using the multiple windows to implement pop up windows, pull down
menus, cascading menus, scrollable lists, and all the other nifty
user interface kinds of things that are the current rage.  Source code
or tutorial articles would be a great help.

For that matter, are there any "toolkits" available that would let 
me build up a user interface with these kinds of features
w/o reinventing a lot of wheels?

What I'm thinking of is building a character based user interface 
somewhat like Tandy's Deskmate or Microsoft Quick C, given a 
terminal with vt100 like capabilities and a 9600 baud or faster 
tty line.

Thanks in advance,

Tom McClory			tmcclory at
Wright State Univ.
Dayton OH. 45435

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