Nicer than nice!

Jaap Akkerhuis jaap+ at
Wed Feb 7 04:12:00 AEST 1990

Excerpts from netnews.comp.unix.questions: 5-Feb-90 Re: Nicer than nice!
Jean-Francois Lamy at cs.ut (1522)

> someone wrote:
> >> Is there a possibility to change the priority of a process more than a
> >> 'nice -19' would do? I would like be able to start programs in background

> to which Randal Schwartz replied:
> >>the scheduler.  There isn't anything in off-the-shelf UNIX that tags the
> >>process as "don't run this unless nobody else is doing much of anything."

> and Uday Hegde confuses matters by saying:
> >process with that nice value [-19] runs only when nothing else in the system 
> >wants to.
> >Correct me if I wrong.

> Indeed.  The scheduler uses niceness as one of many factors in determining
> priority.  In *practice*, several maximally niced jobs can still impact
> significantly the system performance.  Recent SunOS releases seem especially
> prone to this behaviour (I will dispense you from my pet theories on the topic
> because I'd like to check them with the source first, should we *ever* receive
> it).

UNIX Edition 7 had the same problem. If I remember correctly, it was
caused by the fact that the swapper swapped anything in which hadn't be
in for a while and then the scheduler deciced it was a real nice
process, so it was swapped out again before being run. So processes
which were supposed to soak up only idle time still had an impact on the


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