RCS problem

Bud Hovell bbh at whizz.uucp
Fri Jan 12 13:29:36 AEST 1990

Well, I guess I must be suffering terminal stupidity, but I *cannot*
figure out what I'm doing wrong here. The mystery is that the problem
only happens *sometimes* - rarely, actually. It is the fact that it
seems to work fine most of the time that is particularly maddening.

I 'ci' an original document having the following heading:

# $Id$
# $Log$

............but when I 'co' it thereafter, it comes back:

# $Id: Pnews.header,v 1.1 90/01/11 14:52:00 bbh Exp Locker: bbh $
# $Log:	Pnews.header,v $
Revision 1.1  90/01/11  14:52:00  bbh
Initial revision


For some reason, the log comments are not preceeded by a "#".

I know I am doing *something* wrong. Can someone explain what it is?
UUCP: ...{tektronix|sun}!nosun!whizz!bbh       (Just another pilgrim :-)
MOTD: "Tuva or Bust!" - Richard Fehnman

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