Printed copies of Usenet Software manuals

Metafont Consultant Account xanthian at saturn.ADS.COM
Thu Jan 18 21:37:07 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jan12.223642.1483 at virtech.uucp> cpcahil at virtech.uucp (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
> ... I will
>be printing a single reference manual that will include all of the following
>Manual 1: The user's/programmer's reference Manual (416 pages)
>Manual 2: The user's/programmer's reference guide (596 pages)
>So now for the bad news:  
>NOTE that this price is for the manual set without any binders and without
>a slipcase.  The slip cases would have added $25.00 to each set. 
>	Continental US:		 5.50	total of: 41.00 (42.06 in Va)
>	Hawaii,Alaska,Canada:	11.00	total of: 46.50

Why in the world did you go to all this trouble?  If these are the BSD
4.3 manuals, the whole set of six, plastic leaf bound, only cost me
$60, delivered, from Berkeley a few years back.  You're charging more
than 2/3rds of this for 1/3rd of the manuals.

Again, my opinions, not the account furnishers'.

xanthian at  xanthian at (Kent Paul Dolan)
Kent, the (bionic) man from xanth, now available as a build-a-xanthian
kit at better toy stores near you.  Warning - some parts proven fragile.
-> METAFONT, TeX, graphics programming done on spec -- (415) 964-4486 <-

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