Cache vs. Mhz

Seth Chaiklin chaiklin at
Wed Jul 25 13:02:58 AEST 1990

I have a dilemma.  I must take either a 25 Mhz 386 machine
with no cache or a 20 Mhz 386 machine with a 64K cache.
I will run SCO Xenix 2.3.1 on this machine.  I am interested
to know what the implications are for going with one setup
over the other.  Does SCO Xenix take advantage of the
cache?  Or would the increased speed offset any advantage
of the cache.  Thanks for your opinions.

Seth Chaiklin         Institute for Learning Technologies
(212) 678-3899        Box 8, Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC 10027
INTERNET:  chaiklin at    UUCP:  seth at ny-yn

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