Definitions of COFF, sdb, dbx

Vladan Djakovic vladan at idt.UUCP
Tue Jul 3 10:58:47 AEST 1990

Are there any texts (books, standards) on format of COFF files, how debugging
info is represented etc.
I am aware that every vendor has unique additions to COFF, so reliable common
starting point would be sufficient.
What is the principal difference between sdb & dbx ? I've used both and
functionality is generally the same (the commands have different names, but
one expects that between releases & of any software).
Is it internal data formats? - if so, I would like to hear more about that
(see Q1).
 # Vladan Djakovic, IDT (Integrated Device Technology), Santa Clara, CA     #
 # (408) 492 8451 ... uunet!idt!vladan  (All opinions are mine. Whose else?)#

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